Valeria Lukyanova, the model who's known as a human Barbie doll, revealed her perspective on mixed races, which didn't come off as too pleasant.

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The Ukranian model had an interview with GQ where she talked about people of mixed races who have children and how it creates a negative affect on beauty.

"For example, a Russian marries an Armenian, they have a kid, a cute girl, but she has her dad's nose," Lukyanova said. "She goes and flies it down a little, and it's all good. Ethnicities are mixing now, so there's degeneration, and it didn't used to be like that."

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"Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery?" she continued. "And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this. I love this Nordic image of myself. I have white skin; I am a Nordic type- perhaps a little Eastern Baltic, but closer to Naldic."

In the same feature story, Lukyanova talked about the chances are of becoming a mother someday, which will likely be never.

"Most people have children to fulfill their own ambitions, not to give anything," she said. "They don't think about what they can give this child, what they can teach her. They just try to shape her according to some weird script- whatever they couldn't do in life, like becoming a writer or doctor. Or some woman who's almost 30 and thinks no one needs her, she says, 'Oh, I'll have a kid. He will love me and become my reason to live.' And then this kid becomes a soccer ball she and her boyfriend will kick back and forth."