Doctor Who's iconic TARIDS is bigger on the inside, but that may not matter too much when the outside becomes to small for Twelve and Clara to squeeze themselves back through the double doors.

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New photos from the filming of season 8 show that the TARDIS will experience a bit of a size issue during episode 9. Tentatively titled "Flatline," the Douglas Mackinnon directed installment began filming earlier this week and one intrepid Instagram user has already provided Whovians with a first look (see photos here).

Now photos depict Clara (Jenna Louise Coleman) and Twelve (Peter Capaldi) standing on the edge of a remote stretch of railroad track and examining a miniature TARDIS. The time-traveling duo won't be as alone as they may like, however, as actors Christopher Fairbank and Joivan Wade soon arrived on scene donning green jumpsuits and work boots.

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While it is unknown who Wade and Fairbanks play or what their uniform signifies, it's probably safe to say that they won't be able to help Capaldi enlarge his beloved spaceship. Instead, the pair probably have a futuristic problem of their own to deal with, one which the Doctor will undoubtedly be able play a part in solving.

Find out more when Doctor Who returns to BBC and BBC America in August.