Million Dollar Listing Miami is about to premiere this week, and real estate agent Samantha DeBianchi revealed some new details on what viewers can expect to see as well as something she was surprised to find out.

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On Monday, Bloomberg posted an interview with DeBianchi, who is also a contributor for Zillow Blog. When she was asked what surprised her about being on reality TV, she revealed that the show is indeed real.

"The showings are real, the closings are real," the real estate agent said. "I gained over 10 pounds and a ton of gray hair working my butt off and hustling the past nine months of filming, so I can definitely attest to it!"

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DeBianchi also opened up on how the Miami real estate market is different and how it's a good fit for the series.

"Miami real estate is booming, and I think people all over the country (and world) know that and hear that, but they truly don't understand why," she said. "MDL Miami gives viewers an inside look as to 'why' Miami real estate is as hot as it is."

The agent went on to say how much she's looking forward to the series despite any criticism it's receiving.

"It's definitely something that you're never ready or prepared for, but I've learned that not everyone is going to want to play with me on the playground- and that's okay," DeBianchi said. "I am very happy I did the show, and I think this season will rock!"

Million Dollar Listing Miami airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.