Fans developed strong opinions during last season of ABC's The Bachelor, and last night proved that star Juan Pablo Galavis and contestant-turned-girlfriend Nikki Ferrell are still magnets for the spotlight.

'The Bachelor' Stars Get Affectionate Online

The latest guest on NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers (featured below) was Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. While Williams is known for his focused yet compassionate delivery of world events, the news anchor opened up to Meyers about his feelings on The Bachelor, suggesting that Galavis's season is one for the history books.

Williams explained that his daughter holds an "invitation only" viewing party for The Bachelorette and that he and his wife would be attending this week. "It's time," he said candidly, which triggered laughter from the audience, "My wife and I are up to speed, we have our own opinions about Andi [Dorfman]."

Juan Pablo Galavis & Nikki Ferrell Take Separate Vacations

As for Galavis? Williams is "up to speed" with that too. "As Juan Pablo divided us as viewers into separate camps, Juan Pablo was a troubled man, and Andi has a huge choice to make and I think home visits will prove a lot and I think after tonight, Seth, this will be a new era moving forward. We'll know more."

While Williams seemed not to be a particular fan of Galavis, Meyers believed that Williams would be an excellent canidate to host The Bachelor if the opportunity arose. Would Williams do it? The anchor said no.

"There are certain things I couldn't do with a straight face," he admitted.

Williams' Galavis slight comes just days after Galavis criticized his "haters" on Twitter. The star has yet to comment on the Williams interview.