Things are about to take an uncomfortable turn on Switched at Birth when Tank falls into a trap that will lead to some explaining.

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In a clip of this Monday's episode that was published on Tuesday, Toby decides to have a little serious talk with Tank now that they're roommates. Tank is playing a video game when Toby lets him know that they should probably make some ground rules.

Toby doesn't mention any rules that are too drastic except one that Tank already managed to put out there- no boxers on the furniture. Toby also says that he doesn't want his new roommate to use his hair gel and pay the rent on time; other than that, he's good.

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When Tank lets his rules out, he mentions that he would like some "privacy" when it comes to "the ladies." He also says that he and Toby should have some kind of code so one knows when the other has a girl with them. The two agree that putting a sock on the door seems like the most simple way to do that.

Toby then gets a phone call when there's a knock on the door. As Tank answers, it turns out that his ex is at the door who looks shocked to see Tank at her brother's place.

All Tank can let out is, "you're not pizza." Bay then asks what he's doing there when the clip ends.

Switched at Birth airs on M ondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC Family.

Check out the clip below.

Switched at Birth, Television, ABC Family