Football star Adrian Peterson is reportedly going to plead not guilty in court over an incident that allegedly involved child abuse on his son.

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On Tuesday, ESPN posted a story on what the status is on the Vikings running back. Mary Flood, the spokesperson for Peterson's attorney wrote an email to ESPN on what will happen with the plea after a situation that allegedly involved the football player using a switch or a tree branch to discipline his son.

"If the court asks for a plea tomorrow [and we do expect that to happen], it will very definitely be NOT guilty," Flood wrote. "We hope that a trial date is also discussed, but don't yet know how the court's docket is looking."

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The site also pointed out that the running back's 2014 season could be over unless his attorney is able to get in a quick trial date to convince a jury that Peterson did not violate Texas' corporal punishment law. As of now, no one seems to know when a trial could take place.

"I hope we learn more tomorrow," Flood said. "But it's possible that we won't get a date tomorrow and we'll just get the beginnings of discussions about a date."

Vikings coach Mike Zimmer also spoke on the situation, sharing that he has to focus on the other team members right now.

"Honestly, I want the best for Adrian, number one. Okay? But I also have to coach the guys that are here and go forward," Zimmer said.