Despite everything Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) and Belle (Emilie de Ravin) have been through, there is still hope for them ahead on ABC's Once Upon a Time.

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Once Upon a Time co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz recently spoke with TVLine about Rumple and his quest for power over anything else, revealing if there was still a chance that he and Belle could get back together and be happy.

"Rumple let us know in Season 1 that he's a difficult man to love," Kitsis explained. "And he's let us know that he always chooses power over love, that is his fault. But he began the season with honorable intentions - he really was going to give Belle the knife - but when he saw the [Sorcerer's] hat, that made him realize, 'I did the noble thing and it ended up with my son dying and me being a slave. So if I can never have to wake up and worry about someone getting my dagger, why can't I have everything?' And as he learned, you can't."

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Horowitz added that despite the way things concluded for the couple in the midseason finale in December, there is still storyline ahead for them.

"Rumple and Belle] have been through a lot together, and despite how it may have felt in the midseason finale, their story is not over," Horowitz confirmed.

The midseason finale ended with Belle taking control of the dagger and using it to ensure Rumple never be able to enter Storybrooke ever again. Will they be reunited in the second half of the season?

Once Upon a Time returns on Sunday, March 1 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Watch Rumple and Belle's big scene from the latest episode of Once Upon a Time here: