The cast and crew members of Switched at Birth had a lot to say about the previous episode that explored an incredibly sensitive subject.

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The episode involved Bay having sex with her ex-boyfriend Tank when she was really drunk even though she didn't give consent.

"It's two stories of two individuals who were in the moment and neither of them have a full awareness of what happened," Katie LeClerc (Daphne) told TV Guide posted on Wednesday.

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Lucas Grabeel (Toby) pointed out that it's rare to see something like campus assault take place on TV.

"It's definitely something that not a whole lot of people are tackling especially on television," the actor said. "And it's an issue that is happening whether we like it or not."

Series creator Lizzy Weiss then talked about how important it was to take on a controversial storyline like this one.

"We came up with this story a little bit before it became a front page story," Weiss said. "The girls are now in college college age, 18-19 it is the number one conversation right now. How do we not do a story in which one of the girls deals with campus assault?"

As more episodes continue, there will be more discussions on who was in the wrong in this situation and what will be done about it. Weiss made it clear that it's not an easy answer because there will have to be more insight on what happened between Bay and Tank.

"Two people both make bad choices with heavy amounts of alcohol involved and it's really focused on the question of consent," the creator said. "It's all about, do you need explicit consent? And how drunk is too drunk to get that?"

Switched at Birth airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC Family.