It's Christmastime so the Christmas tunes are definitely getting played 24/7, but we have to say it--there are some songs that are the absolute worst!

Throughout the years so many Christmas-themed songs have been recorded, both originals or remakes. That got us thinking about which is the worst Christmas song. There are so many that come to mind, but we narrowed it down to 16 that you can vote on. Our first round is over, which means some songs were cut, but Round 2 is in full swing with the songs you think are the absolute worst!

Vote in the second round of Enstars Readers' Choice Worst Christmas Song Tournament 2015 below.

"8 Days of Christmas"
 - Destiny's Child vs. "All I Want for Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)" -
Spike Jones & His City Slickers

You guys have spoken and claimed Destiny's Child's original Christmas track is worse than Taylor Swift's original Christmas track "Christmas Must Be Something More," which we can understand. Now is the fierce, talented girl group's song worse than a goofy Christmas tune about wanting your two front teeth to grow in?

Spike Jones & His City Slickers really have quite the ridiculous Christmas-themed song. It apparently is even more annoying than the Christmas tune about wanting a hippopotamus for Christmas. Is it the worst Christmas song ever, though?

Which Christmas song is worse: Vote: