Donald Trump's campaign has been hit hard with another scandal following the release of tapes from a conversation he had with Billy Busy back in 2005, where the Republican Presidential canddiate makes several lewd remarks as he discusses groping women.

The Washington Post has obtained and published audio and video of the conversation between the men as they take an Access Hollywood bus to the set of Days of Our Lives, where they taped a segment about Trump's cameo on the soap opera. The men talk inside the bus and after they emerge from it as well, and the audio was caught on a hot microphone.

In it, Trump is heard discussing a failed attempt to seduce an unnamed woman.

"I did try and f*** her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. In fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I'll show you where they have some nice furniture," he says in the recording. " I moved on her like a b**ch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married."

The men then notice actress Arianne Zucker, who was waiting to meet them and escort them onto the show's set, and Trump jokes about kissing her, and hints that because he was famous, women would let him kiss them if he wanted to do.

"I've got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her," he says in the recording. "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful-I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

The tape was reportedly recorded several months after he married his third and current wife, Melania.

In a statement Trump apologized for the comments, but also said the video was being used as a distraction to take away from the issues of the election, and even ventured that the words and actions of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's husband Bill, were far worse, and he even said that Clinton herself has "bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated" her husband's "victims."

"I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not," he said. "I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them, Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am."

Trump has also said he will not withdraw from the race, despite calls for him to do so.

"I'd never withdraw. I've never withdrawn in my life. No I'm not quitting this race. I have tremendous support," he said.

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