Nicolas Cage was apparently adamant in his refusal to look at the focus group boxes while his new movies The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was being created. 

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, in case you haven't heard about it yet, is the meta comedy we need riht now. There was a time when the upcoming film had a rarely seen 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It is sure to be one of the weirdest, wackiest and most quickly loved films of 2022.

Nicolas Cage, who stars in the film as Nicolas Cage (yes, he is playing himself), sought minimal outside input when this film was being created. In fact, he refused to look at any data that came from the focus groups while the film was being created. 

(Photo : Getty)

According to an article on Collider, Cage initially refused to watch the film at all. However, as he is not just an actor on the film, he had to change his stance. Since he's also serving as a producer on the project, needed to watch the film during editing in order to make sure the final cut was where it needed to be.

He shared: 

"I had to watch it because my other hat on this movie was producer, and as a producer, it got to a point where the studio had an opinion and the director had an opinion and it was time for fresh eyes. And I had to shut off half my mind and half my heart and look at the movie from a place of neutral.

"And as a producer, I was able to say to the studio, 'I think you've got to put some of [director] Tom [Gormican]'s flavor back in the movie. You're losing a lot of the flavor of the comedy.'

And to Tom, I had to say, 'I think these two scenes aren't landing.' And I'm glad I did it because I think we finally got to a place where the movie works as a whole in the best possible way, the best of both worlds." 

(Photo : Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

We are so glad to know that Cage added his voice to the project and the discussion. We can't wait to see this maximized hilarity hit the screen on April 15th.