It's been 20 years since the American classic Forrest Gump premiered on the big screen on July 6, 1994. The romantic drama earned $677 million worldwide and won six Oscars in 1995 including best picture and best actor given to Tom Hanks. The film also includes several life lessons as Mr. Gump overcomes challenges throughout his life. Below are five of them.

Don't let setbacks get the best of you

Forrest may have been born with a below average IQ and a crooked back that forced him to wear leg braces as a child, but he still managed to become a millionaire and later be a great father to his son. As Mrs. Gump (Sally Field) said, "You have to do the best with what God gave you."

Don't back out of your word

Forrest and Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) planned to start a shrimping business after they were to leave Vietnam and split their earnings evenly. Even though his good friend died at war, Forrest still gave his share to Bubba's family and changed their life forever.

Find your own path

When his mother was dying, Forrest asked her what his destiny is. "You're going to have to figure that out for yourself," she replied.

Sometimes the best things are right in front of your eyes

Forrest spent most of his life trying to get his first love, Jenny (Robin Wright), to reciprocate his feelings. Yet, she spent a lot of time pushing him away. It wasn't until she contracted a fatal illness that she realized how much she needed Forrest.

Enjoy life as it goes

Your life won't always go as planned so it's important to cherish every moment and enjoy the good times while they last. As Forrest's mother also famously said, "Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're gonna get."

You can watch Forrest Gump in IMAX theaters on Sept. 5.