Console players of Blizzard's latest hit game Overwatch are unanimous on one thing. The little, tough-as-nuts Swedish dwarf Torbjörn, is way overpowered in console matches. While PC gamers could react pretty well to his A.I.-controlled turrets, console gamers, using their joysticks, are usually no  match for the muscle-bound dwarf's automated attacks.

Oh, and the fact that he could actually repair the darn things doesn't help either. Torbjörn's turrets are so effective, they could mow down and dominate opposing teams without any problem. In fact, YouTube is riddled with videos featuring dead Torbjörns still racking up kills while waiting to respawn, thanks to his turrets.

Plus, since people love trolling other players, there are already numerous instances when an all-Torbjörn team would simply end up killing off their opponents by, you guessed it, the automated turrets.

Thankfully, Blizzard immediately addressed the issue. Responding directly to a Reddit thread discussing how Torbjörn's overpowered nature in console matches is ruining the game, Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan announced that the hero would be getting a much-needed nerf on July.

Torbjörn's nerf is pretty simple. According to Kaplan, the July patch of the game for consoles would have his Torbjörn's turrets incur a 30 percent damage reduction. Thus, even if the guns aim fast and fire, console players would not incur as much damage as before. After all, the fact that the turrets are so strong is the reason why the character is just so overpowered.

As much as Torbjörn's turrets would be nerfed in PlayStation 4 and Xbox One matches, however, the dwarf's automatic guns' damage would remain the way they are today in PC matches. According to Blizzard, PC users, who use a mouse and a keyboard, would have more precise controls in their movements, and thus, they could evade the automated fire of Torbjörn's turrets more easily than their console counterparts.

Torbjörn is set to be nerfed for the PS4 and Xbox One systems sometime around mid-to-late July.