Having spent months in lockdown with limited mobility, the last thing Queen Elizabeth needs now is for her precious Balmoral home to be vandalized.  However, this is exactly what happened. 

According to Star, the Queen is presently lamenting the fact that her Scottish retreat, the Balmoral Castle has been essentially destroyed by inconsiderate people. As Britain emerges from lockdown, residents eager to be out and about are literally flocking towards the Queen's beloved Balmoral Castle.

That alone would have been fine, but it was dismaying that allegedly, because all of the property's public restrooms are closed, visitors felt justified to destroy the place. Allegedly, visitors have been relieving themselves anywhere they like all over the 50,000 square-foot grounds. 

A staffer actually tweeted what is happening. "Disappointed to see so many wipes discarded on Estate today." he wrote. He even put in an advice for visitors to "bury" their business away from prestigious buildings, well-kept paths, and the well-cared for farm animals. 

The queen is not amused by what she found out but at present cannot do anything. While Britain has lifted the lockdown, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth are still deemed safer and better protected against the deadly COVID-19 if they continue to quarantine at the Windsor Castle.

Since the Queen is generally not used to doing a lot of things, she is reportedly starting to be angsty. However, a young thoughtful boy was able to reverse this. 

Just 7-year-old, Timothy Madders was very concerned about the Queen and was adamant that he does something for her. 

Speaking with BBC, Timothy's mom Jo Madders, claimed that her son just wanted nothing else but to cheer Queen Elizabeth up. As a result of this longing, he constructed a happiness-themed word puzzle himself and have it sent to the Queen. The boy made it with his neatest handwriting yet, and thought hard about the words to be included in his puzzle. 

"She's probably wanting to keep herself busy," he explained.

The boy did not stop here. He also penned a personal letter to the Queen, which read, "You might be feeling sad or lonely during lockdown, so I thought I could make a word search for you to cheer you up."

Timothy's thoughtfulness and creativity was not in vain. He received a personal letter from one of the Queen's ladies-in-wedding that revealed how happy he made the Queen.

"The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your kind letter, and for the puzzle you have created especially for Her Majesty," the letter reads. "Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated, and the Queen hopes that you too are keeping safe and well in the current situation. I am to thank you very much indeed for writing as you did at this time."

Timothy loved the letter. He said it made him happy to make the Queen happy. Given the fact that the Queen's advanced age puts her at high risk for COVID-19, continuing to quarantine herself and her husband is the best move today.