Melinda Gates Wins Divorce No Matter How Little of Bill Gates’ Billions She'll Get

After 27 years of marriage, Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates announced their divorce.
Despite transferring stocks to his soon-to-be ex-wife, Bill Gates continues to be the fourth richest person in the worth with an estimated net worth of $126 billion.
He may still have the money and his name, but according to experts, Melinda is the real winner in this divorce.
A few days after their divorce was publicized, several reports about the Microsoft co-founder emerged that cast a negative light on his squeaky-clean image.
Though the 56-year-old mom-of-three will not benefit financially from her future ex-husband's bad behavior, the recent news about him helps Melinda separate herself from Bill and the negative press.
Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Divorce: One Person Gets Sympathy
In fact, all of these negativities may even help her in negotiating for more assets, according to experts in crisis communication, PR and divorce finance.
Bryan Reber, a professor in crisis communication leadership at the University of Georgia, told Insider that Melinda Gates will be getting sympathy and empathy from the public because "there's another Bill Gates that we didn't fully know beyond the aw-shucks computer nerd."
Though news of Bill Gates' mistress and other affairs came from unnamed sources, the professor explained that the media blitz appears like Melinda's team planned a campaign against him.
It was also previously reported that both Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates have planned the divorce years ago.
But whether it was planned by Melinda or not, the timing of the entire media blitz definitely works in her favor, as stated by VP of PR company GroundFloor Media, Gil Rudawsky.
The public and the media now have a better idea of what may have been the reason for Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates' divorce and why Melinda would want to leave her billionaire husband.
Because of this, it would allow the public to sympathize with her.
Rudawksy said that the timing seems "fortuitous" and explained, "I wouldn't be surprised if there was some knowledge that that was going to come out and people were working behind the scenes to get this information out before these allegations came out."
The negative press surrounding Bill Gates will also allow Melinda to step farther away from Microsoft and their marriage ahead of their divorce.
Bill and Melinda - A Brand
However, one disadvantage is that she couldn't easily move forward because she shares a foundation with her ex and that they have worked together as a team in their business ventures.
Bill and Melinda became a "brand," something that the latter needs to separate herself from.
Reber explained, "It's always been 'Bill and Melinda.'"
"Now that she is asking to go by French Gates, that's an illustration of wanting to say, 'We're entering a new time and I'm newly independent.'"
Melinda Gates' Advantage in Negotiating A Divorce Settlement
Though Melinda Gates may win in the eyes of the public, legally, her chances of benefitting from Bill Gates' bad behavior is not so much, according to divorce financial analyst Nancy Hetrick.
In Washington, couples don't have to prove that the other party was to blame for the divorce, but rather, they had irreconcilable differences.
She explained that the court can't grant her a more favorable settlement if Bill Gates commits adultery.
But during the negotiation period, the bad press could help her as the divorce mediators find a "guilt window" or a period when a person who had bad behavior in the relationship feels better about moving on by giving the other party a more favorable settlement.
Bill Gates and Melinda Gates' Money After Divorce
Both parties will not be having financial difficulties and challenges anytime soon.
Bill Gates remains in the top four billionaires list.
But Melinda Gates has a net worth of $2.3 billion and the sympathy and empathy and the support of many people.