6 Unsuspecting Video Games Dwayne Johnson Can Turn Into A Movie That Would Really Push His Acting Ability To The Test

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has never been shy to take on a video game property, or at least a reasonable facsimile. He played the heavy in Doom. He fought giant animals in Rampage. We saw him bring a video game to life in the Jumanji franchise, twice. Hell, he even loaned his voice to Fortnight as The Foundation. And he shows no signs of stopping.
In an in review with Men's Journal, The Rock dropped hints at an upcoming video game film he will be starring in simply saying,
"I can't tell you which game in particular we're doing, but there will be an announcement this year. We're going to bring one of the biggest, most badass games to the screen-one that I've played for years. I'm really excited to bring it to fans around the world. Of course we're going to do right by our gamer friends-but really we're just going to make a great movie."
The internet has been buzzing with speculation. Everything from Halo to Red Dead Redemption have been bandied about as the possible game in question. But we at Enstarz have our own ideas on what games Johnson could be dropping 'The People's Elbow' in.
Duck Hunt
Based on the Nintendo classic, Johnson would star as The Hunter, a retired veteran who just wants to relax and do a little hunting with his faithful, and often, giggly dog (CGI, of course). While enjoying a quiet day on the lake, a toxic substance leaches into the water from a nearby research facility causing the ducks to become aggressive mutant killing machines. With no cell service and pick-up full of ammo, it's up to The Rock to take down these flying menaces before they attack the sleepy town a few miles away.
Throw in the tag line "This Summer... Don't feed the Ducks!" and you got yourself a movie right there.
The Rock stars as a champion Tetris Champion who inadvertently unlocks a secret Russian weapon designed to launch an array of giant blocks from a satellite that will fall on a major U.S. city. Using a military supercomputer designed for such a threat, it is up to Johnson to play the game for real and save the country.
"When the odds are stacked against you, it's time to Rock!"
Yes, it's an insane idea, but so was the Mario Bros. Movie and we saw how well that worked... Nevermind.
A mild mannered truck stop cook suspects there is something wrong with the food once the dishes he prepares begin to eat his customers. Turns out the GMO's have mutated the ingredients giving them a life of their own. With his "Lucky Spatula" in hand, The Rock turns up the heat on these tasty monsters before his patrons become the main course.
"In this diner... You are what they eat!"
The Rock stars as Pitfall Harry, an adventurer lost in the jungles forced to survive by jumping across crocodile infested waters, swinging from vines, and finding treasure along the way.
Not the most original idea, sure, but the man looks good in cargo pants.
"The jungle just met it's match."
Oregon Trail
Because who doesn't want to see Dwanye Johnson fight off dysentery, exhaustion, snake bites, measles, broken bones, cholera, and typhoid. If anyone can survive this impossible 8-bit nightmare, The People's Champion is your man!
To be honest, can anything take down The Rock?
"This Settler has a score To Settle."