'Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness' Trailer Has A Patrick Stewart/Professor X Cameo! Or So We Hear.

After a bunch of reshoots and tie-ins to other Marvel properties Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness finally dropped a longer trailer to showcase some of the exciting surprises the mystic end of the MCU has in store for fans.

One of the many blockbuster trailers shown during Super Bowl LVI, the follow up to the popular Doctor Strange franchise looks at even more mind bending, visually spectacular, and cameo filled. The film takes place after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, where Doctor Steven Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) caused a series of portals to the Multiverse which unleashed characters who are not of our dimension, thus wreaking havoc throughout the different worlds.
The film, directed by Sam Raimi, has many of the signature Dutch Angles and eye-popping visuals which have become a signature for the auteur. A perfect pairing, indeed, given the Inception-style scene contortions needed to show the true chaos of Strange's actions.

What makes this film truly exciting is the inclusion of Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) from The Avengers and Disney+'s WandaVision series, which was a huge hit for the streaming service. Now with her powers fully realized, her fleshed out character becomes a force to be reckoned with. But that's not the biggest surprise the trailer hints at. At the 1 minute 18 second mark, a familiar voice utters the line off-screen,
"We should tell him the truth."
Patrick Stewart's soothing voice is heard, only adding to the fan fervor by bringing back Professor X to the MCU! Now that Disney has obtained the rights to the X-Men it was only a matter of time before they gave us a taste of what they have planned for the students of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

Another cameo is Doctor Strange himself, sort of. From the looks of things, the evil version of him from the What If? series also appears in the trailer from what we can tell. Does your brain hurt yet? No, well possibly Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau from WandaVision is spectualted to fly in to the action. Madness indeed!
The film also brings back the usual characters as well, such as Wong (Benedict Wong), Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams), and the always amazing Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mordo.
We're sure that there will be more surprises and characters in store once the film hits theaters on May 6th, but until then feel free to comb over the trailer and see if there are any Easter Eggs we might have missed.