Melinda Gates Forgiven Bill Gates? Ex-Wife Dishes On ‘Untrustworthy’ Marriage To Billionaire

It had been about a year since Melinda French Gates separated from Bill Gates when she gave her first interview.
Melinda confirmed to Gayle King on a recent broadcast of CBS's "This Morning" that she and her ex-husband are still on good terms and have a "working relationship."
She also stated that they are "friendly" with each other at this stage in their lives, but it is possible that she meant something quite different.
Melinda further stated that despite the fact that they have moved on with their lives, she is still in the process of healing and has no ill will or malice toward the Microsoft founder.
The mother of three is also certain that they will maintain a positive professional relationship in the future.
They are both co-chairs of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
After 27 years of marriage, the former couple startled their followers by announcing that they were splitting in May 2021, after 27 years together.
Melinda admitted that she was well aware that many people would be taken by surprise when the divorce was officially announced.
The actress continued, "I felt horrible about it, but at the time I had no idea how big of a deal it would be." A situation like that can't be predicted in advance."
However, just a few days after the couple announced their divorce, the Silicon Valley billionaire admitted to having an affair while still married to Melinda. At the time, even a representative for Bill corroborated the information.
On the other hand, when CBS inquired about the notion that there was further adultery in their marriage, Melinda chose to remain mum, stating that it was something her ex-husband should address.
It was also made plain by the donor that the affair was not a factor in the couple's decision to divorce.
As Melinda noted, "There just came a moment in time when I realized there was enough of it to know it wasn't healthy, and I couldn't put my trust in what we had."
Despite the fact that she continues to have difficult days, Melinda says she is looking forward to what lies ahead for her in the future.
She even admitted that she had re-entered the dating scene, gushing, "It's interesting at this stage."
But one thing is for sure, Jeffrey Epstein played a role in their divorce.
Who Was It That Bill Gates Was Having An Affair With?
During his tenure at the company, Bill Gates is said to have had an affair with an employee in the year 2000.
However, it was not until 2019 that the company's board of directors became aware of the situation. The woman claims that she and Bill had a sexual relationship at one point in their lives.
This occurred at the same time as he resigned from his position on the Microsoft board of directors, but a spokeswoman stated that this was unrelated to the situation.
His decision to step down from the board of directors was motivated by his desire to devote more time to philanthropic endeavors.