Kanye West has been putting out a lot of rumors about how he's not allowed to see his kids and having to beg to visit them - and after a conversation he had via text with Pete Davidson this week, (and that music video he released a couple weeks ago) a lot of people are saying that a restraining order might be the best move for her. 

However, according to sources at TMZ, that's exactly what Kim Kardashian is refusing to do. Despite the fact that Kanye's behavior has been erratic, and would likely be confusing for their children if they knew the full extent of it, Kim has said that she will continue to put effort into shielding them from it, while still allowing them to see their father whenever possible.

The judge in the case has not granted anyone primary custody yet, but it will likely go to Kim - the whole reason for their split originally is that Kanye wanted to be moving around the country too much to be there as the primary caregiver. However, Kim is also not likely to ask for full custody, given her attitude on the matter thus far.

She has demonstrated incredible strength in staying poised and mature throughout this struggle, no matter how strange or alarming Kanye's antics become.

We'd love to hear Kim dispel every rumor or falsehood that her ex-husband has sent her way, with counter-explanations that fill in the blank spaces he leaves in his emotional explainers - surely that would make this whole situation make more sense to everyone. But Kim doesn't need it to make sense to everyone else, and that's what we admire about her: She knows it's their business and she's going to keep it their business, and no matter how low he goes, she's going to take the high road - at the very least, for the sake of their children.

We hope that as this court case begins to come closer to its end, Kanye can learn to accept that his life is just different now and move on - and we pray that Kim continues to find the strength to be so above it all.