Keke Palmer did the WIRED interview where celebrities answer "the Web's Most Searched Questions," and she has officially solidified herself in the Hall of Meme.

As Jodan Peele's newest movie NOPE gets ready to premiere on Friday, leading actress Keke Palmer has been embarking on one of the best press tours we have ever seen. Fans have watched as she has given hilarious interviews and been the center of several award-buzz conversations.

Many think that NOPE could see Palmer nominated for many prestegious awards. Word of her excellent performance has already escaped from those who have managed to secrue early screenings to the film.

Her press tour has been nothing short of iconic. The world has known, as Palmer has grown up in the public eye, that she is a captivating and charming woman who is simply a joy to watch (which is a large part of the reason her career has been such a success.) With this WIRED interview, pepole are over the moon.

People across the Twittersphere are coming out, celebrating the actress's hilarity, success...and INSANE Angela Bassett impression.

Twitter has also weighed in on the notion that Palmer is already a contender for the next Oscar Awards. One user wrote:

"Nope (Peele): A resounding yep. The director's most ambitious film. All the Oscars for Keke Palmer. Subtext not as strong as here - had a blast. See it big. I make 80-100k a year offering up drivel like this."

Thanks for always being a joy to watch, Keke Palmer! NOPE comes to theatres on Friday July 22nd.