The Dark Knight Rises can be seen in theatres on Friday, but fans are anxious to catch a trailer and read spoilers for more information about the soon-to-be hit Batman film.

The Dark Knight Rises trailer only reveals a tiny bit of spoilers regarding the action-packed adventure. However, critics reveal this summer flick is a must-see.

"If this does not break the mold and win Best Picture, no comic book movie ever will #TDKR," Critic Marco Gennuso said.

"Big-time Hollywood filmmaking at its most massively accomplished, this last installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy makes everything in the rival Marvel universe look thoroughly silly and childish," a review from THR read.

A Hit Fix review hit on more details regarding the details in The Dark Knight Rises story.

"I found the final movement of the film, a good thirty minutes or so, almost unbearably emotional, and I think it may be the best stretch in any of the films. There are some logic issues I have with parts of the film, and we'll get into those in the "Second Look," but there is a clean, uncompromised emotional arc that steamrolls those problems for me, and I think the film more than fulfills the promise made by the first two films," Hit Fix wrote.

Some other reviews have questioned whether the new film lives up to the high standards of the film's predecessor "THe Dark Knight," which received a nomination for Best Picture Oscar, and won the Best Supporting Actor for Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker.

Nevertheless the finale of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy will be sure to draw huge crowds at the weekend, and like most finale films in successful trilogies it is sure to have its critics as well as others singing its praises.

The Dark Knight Rises - Journey Trailer

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - Official Clip #1

The Dark Knight Rises Clip: The Bat

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - Official Clip #3