"Clueless" actress Stacey Dash made an appearance on "Piers Morgan Tonight" and admitted to the host that she had endorsed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney via Twitter because she feels a change over the next four years would be beneficial to the United States.

The 46-year-old was heavily criticized on Twitter soon after she proclaimed her support of Romney on Oct. 7. However, most of the less than ideal responses she received were related to her gender and race.

On Tuesday night, Dash spoke about the harsh backlash she received to political television host Piers Morgan.

"The fury, I really don't understand the fury.  I don't understand it.  I don't get it...I was shocked, saddened.  Not angry.  Saddened and really shocked.  But you know what, you can't expect everyone to agree with you."

Dash also told the Morgan that she did indeed vote for Barack Obama in 2008, but doesn't like the direction the U.S. has headed in and now feels Romney is a better choice. 

"I believe him...I watched him, the Governor and his wife, on 'Meet The Press.' ...They spoke to me, they seemed authentic and genuine."

One of the negative Twitter remarks aimed at the actress read, "You're an unemployed black woman endorsing @MittRomney.  You're voting against yourself thrice.  You poor beautiful idiot."

Dash further defended herself against the comments by stating that her choice had nothing to do with race.

"I chose him not by the color of his skin, but the content of his character."

Another disturbing tweet said "Kill yourself, you old hag."

Although not nearly as cruel as some of the other posts, even actor Samuel L. Jackson, an Obama supporter, commented on Dash's new alliance tweeting the following on Tuesday:

"Wait, did Stacey Dash Really endorse Romney today?!  REALLY????!  Is she CRA...........??!

Sandra Fluke, a women's rights activist who is no stranger to attacks herself, had tweeted her support of Dash's freedom of opinion.

"So disappointed to see people attacking @REALStaceyDash for voicing her opinion.  Disagree politically, but #racist attacks are unacceptable."