Tag: Books

Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Casting For Christian Grey: Ryan Gosling Speaks [VIDEO]

The "50 Shades of Grey" movie adaptation of the racy novel should have several prospects for the lead roles of Christian Grey. However, Hollywood A-lister Ryan Gosling is one of the few that is being highly coveted by fans for obvious reasons. But the question remains whether or not the star actor would even take the role if the racy movie stayed true to the book.

'Fifty Shades of Grey' Movie: Could Chris And Liam Hemsworth Be Casted Together?

Throughout the summer many have been buzzing on who they think would make the perfect Christian Grey character in the movie adaptation of E.L. James' racy novel "Fifty Shades of Grey." The newest potential candidate on the internet rumor mill for the role of the billionaire-philanthropist is Thore's Chris Hemsworth.

'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Movie: Potential Ana & Christian Duos

E.L. James had recently taken to Twitter to proclaim that all of the casting buzz surrounding the movie version of her "Fifty Shades of Grey" is not true. Therefore, fans can still continue to speculate on their picks for the roles of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.

Muslim Green Lantern: Controversial Superhero Debuts Sept. 5th For DC Comics

The strength of the highly admired Green Lantern comic book character comes in the form of a ring that gives the power of will. However, when the respective ring owner dies, the ring itself seeks out a replacement. However, this time the new wearer may turn out to be one of DC Comics' most controversial decisions ever, as the latest Green Lantern will be of Muslim-American descent in the newest issue set to hit newsstands Sept. 5th.
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