Future is up against more accusations from another woman he has a child with.

New reports from The Jasmine Brand have revealed that the mother of Future’s oldest son has taken legal action against him as well. Jessica Smith has called out Future (via a courtroom) for neglecting their son. She has also requested that she receive more child support considering he has been MIA when it comes to being a father to the child. While this isn’t the first round of legal trouble for the two, it is definitely intense.

Smith has said the $2,800 she receives each month is not enough to take care of their child, who was born in 2002. They agreed on that amount a couple of years ago, but Smith pointed out that Future makes much more money now; so the amount he gives her each month should reflect that. Aside from that, Smith said that Future is not a good father to the child and said it caused him (the child) to suffer emotional and behavioral issues as well as academic setbacks; especially since Future lives a lavish lifestyle in public. The child is now in therapy and has a tutor.

News of this comes just after Ciara and Future met in court over their three-year-old son Baby Future. Ciara hoped to be awarded sole custody but a judge sided with Future and left the agreement at joint custody. Ciara is also reportedly suing him for $15 million after he blasted her on Twitter.

Be sure to keep up with Enstars for more of the latest.

Ciara and future, Ciara Future 2016, Ciara Future