Jennifer Aniston backed out of two upcoming movie projects, completely clearing her schedule for the coming months and fueling speculation that the former "Friends" star is with child.

Ever since Aniston and her fiance Justin Theroux got engaged in August, rumors have been circulating about when she will get pregnant.

The latest piece of evidence is a new report that Aniston dropped out of two film roles she had previously agreed to take on. The 43-year-old actress will no longer appear in the movies "Getting Rid of Matthew" and "Miss You Already," and sources close to Aniston said she is most likely clearing her calendar so that she will have time to rest as her baby bump expands.

Additional evidence of a possible Aniston pregnancy comes from the Daily Mail, which reported that Aniston abstained from some of her favorite food and drink during a holiday party she and Theroux hosted recently. Aniston is known to love margaritas, and sushi is her very favorite food, but during the A-list soiree many guests noticed that she was avoiding both of those, which insiders said is because she is expecting.

"They had a margarita bar, but she didn't go near it, opting for water instead. It was so unlike her and didn't go unnoticed. She was also picky with what she ate, and didn't touch the huge sushi platter, which is one of her favorite foods," said a source close to Aniston and Theroux.

Pictures recently published by X17 Online show Aniston purposefully blocking her stomach with a sweater and shopping bag for the entire time that photographers follow her, which the gossip website suggested was a move to hide her baby bump.

CLICK HERE to check out photos of Aniston possibly hiding a baby bump with a sweater.