Beyonce and Jay Z have made their first appearance since the latest round of divorce rumors.

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And based on reports, their body language together could confirm that the two are on the outs.

Queen Bey was spotted looking down in many of the photos as Jay Z’s face stayed pretty stiff when they were seen at the launch party on Sunday night for a new artist that Beyonce discovered.

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Their appearance comes just after one source claimed “they continue to sleep in separate bedrooms.”

Another said, “She took off her wedding ring,” at Kelly Rowland’s birthday party a couple of weeks ago. “[She] held it int he air and told everyone that this would be one of the last times they would see it.”

On top of that, one source claimed that the two got into a yelling match at their home in Bel-Air.

“She was screaming at him at the top of her lungs.”

While the two have been able to keep up the smiles for the public, word is Beyonce is close to reaching her breaking point.

“Beyonce has told him that she just can’t deal with it anymore.”

Jay Z reportedly isn’t much of a fan of Beyonce’s either and has been in a “[crappy] mood lately.”