A rehab center in Utah turned away Michael Jackson's 15-year-old daughter Paris Jackson after she reached out to them for help. 

Paris is currently undergoing treatment at a psychiatric facility at the UCLA Medical Center after her recent suicide attempt but she has requested to be transferred out of Los Angeles. Her biological mom, Debbie Rowe, has been eargly on the search to find the best possible facility for Paris to get better. It was Rowe who found the unindentified clinic in Utah that she thought would be a good fit for Paris.

However, the rehabilitation center was not warmed up to the idea of a celebrity in their facility. They reportedly rejected Paris' request to stay at the facility due to concerns about swarms of paparazzi that would take pictures of not only her, but other patients at the center.

TMZ reported that the doctors at UCLA are not yet convinced that Paris is mentally ready to go home after her suicide attempt last month when she overdosed on painkillers and slashed her wrists. They believe she is still a danger to herself and could do further harm to herself if she does not get further help.

Meanwhile, the teen has been growing closer to her mother in the past several months. On June 29, Paris spoke out for the first time since her suicide attempt through her mother to thank her fans for their ongoing support.  

"My daughter has asked that I extend a huge thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and support. She is strong like her father," Rowe tweeted.

Paris' uncle, Jackie Jackson, recently said that "she's getting better," according to The Associated Press. Paris' godfather, Mark Lester, added, "She's being looked after. She'll be fine."

June 25 marked the fourth anniversary of Michael's death.