The villain of "Iron Man 3" that was a mystery, was spotted by observers during filming of the movie in Wilmington, North Carolina this week.

According to numerous reports, the villain is Iron Patriot, Yahoo Movies and Entertainment Weekly report.

Images released by the sites show "Iron Patriot" has an armor very similar to the one Iron Man uses but painted with Captain America's Stars and Stripes. It also has a chest-mounted "uni-beam."

According to the reports, the actor playing Iron Patriot was James Badge Dale who officially plays Eric Savin, a soldier in "Iron Man 3" who was fatally injured in combat and resurrected as a robot called "Coldblood."


The mix of Dale's character and the armor has many fans of the comic book speculating about the nature of the new villain. Somehow "Iron Man 3" merged Saverin with Iron Patriot's armor, a different superhero from Norman Osborn's Avengers.

"I’m guessing that Dale’s character will follow Coldblood’s origin. He’s a good soldier who’s wounded in combat. But instead of being saved by magic cyborg science, he’ll be fixed up with a life-pumping Iron Man armor," wrote Entertainment Weekly's Darren Franich.

Filming of the movie in Wilmington was separately reported by local station 6 WECT and

"Iron Man 3" is set for release on May 3, 2013.

Tags: Iron Man 3