Anna Marie Tendler has started to share her own story. "There were things I never even thought about before because that was just a closed door...I feel lucky that I get to be standing on the precipice of all these new things." The recently divorced wife of comedian John Mulaney opened up to Harper's Bazaar about her experience in the widely publicised separation from her husband. It was without question a difficult time for her.

When asked about the divorce, Tendler thoughtfully remarked, "Everything that has transpired has been totally shocking and I think surreal...In a way, I feel like, well, it can only go up from here, because I reached the depth of where I could go." Tendler suffered a difficult time between the quarantine and the divorce. "I had a lot of bad days and medium days. I wouldn't say I had any good days." Divorce is an incredibly difficult and personal thing, and moving through it at this time took a lot of strenght. Tendler used her art.

 @annamtendlerMy life path has never waivered and, if you follow these steps, neither will yours!!!!!!  â™¬ House music(256554) - TimTaj 

Regardless of how difficult the days became, Tendler strove to do something that was at least a little artistic every day. I feel so lucky that so much of my work is this mundane, detail oriented handwork. I'm working with a needle and thread, and it's like, if I'm not on it, I'm going to pricke myself with a needle and fuck something up...Just have your whole life fall apart and then develop a hand skill!"

Last year, Tendler completed her Masters degree in Costume Studies from NYU where she wrote her thesis, The Lip Filler Phenomenon: Modern Medicine, Kylie Jenner, and Post-Feminist Sexuality. She has also taken off on TikTok!

   @annamtendler It’s a wonderful life…  â™¬ It's A Wonderful Life - Sparklehorse     


Tendler has been through the darkness and come out the other side a more powerful and evolved human being, exploring all of the artistic avenues life has to offer her. With Petunia at her side (guess we officially know who Petunia is living with) there is nothing she can't conquer.