Katherine Heigl spoke about her nude scene in the film "One For The Money" that made its debut in the United States Friday saying it revealed "a lot of me."

"It was really nerve-racking and I'll tell you what - seeing it on a very, very, very big screen at the premiere, it was a very different experience. I was like, man that was embarrassing. It's a lot of me," Heigl said in an interview, according to the Press Association.

The actress also revealed that she tried to do as much as she could to keep the most private bits covered.

"We spent a lot of time joking around and being silly about it because it is so absurd and there are things you can do to sort of cover the most private bits, I guess, but they almost look worse - the pasties look even more bizarre than if I had just gone for it,"

In the film Heigl stars as a Jersey girl who takes a job as a recovery agent for a bail bondsman. Her task: bring in a murder suspect (Jason O' Mara) who happens to be her ex-boyfriend.

The film is based upon Janet Evanovich’s bestselling novel.

Watch the Trailer Below: