Sinbad shared a story on how people should be careful with the words they say.

The 67-year-old comedian recently made an appearance at the Netflix Is A Joke Festival in Los Angeles, which ran from May 2 to 12. In a video taken of him at the event, he appeared to be having a hard time walking to the stage after suffering an ischemic stroke in 2020. He had a staff to support him and someone assisting him.

"I'm gonna tell you something. It is a miracle for me to come out tonight, even to be walking with that staff. I feel good that I can do that because the left side of my body was affected. My left hand [and] my left leg just quit. Be careful what you talk about," he told the audience.

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"Remember I did my joke about having a stroke? Gotta be careful what you talk about because you'll bring it into fruition."

The joke he mentioned was from a comedy special he did in 2010 in which he poked fun at men wanting women "to understand the signs of stroke."


"All you men out here, 55 years old trying date some girl 20 like she like you... I don't see no 20-year-old girl with a broke down 55 and a man with no money. You don't see no girl 20, saying, 'Look at the homeless dude, but he's cute!'" he said during his set at the time.

"She wants you to die. If you keep messing with her, you will... You want a woman to understand the signs of stroke. That's what I'm looking for ... a woman [who] got my medication in her purse."

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While he regrets seemingly manifesting a stroke, he is grateful that God gave him the "woman [he] talked about."

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"Thank God I did have the woman I talked about, the strong woman who loved me," he said.

The stand-up comedian and actor also expressed gratitude to everyone who prayed for and supported him.

"Thank you to everybody who's been praying for me and saying good things and supporting me during this time in my life. It means a lot to me. It means so much when I hear from you all," he said.

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The "Jingle All the Way" star suffered an ischemic stroke in 2020. It is "a medical emergency caused by a blockage in a blood vessel that supplies blood to a region of the brain," according to Healthline.

Some of its symptoms include drooping of the face, limb weakness on one side of the body and slurring of speech.