Twitter is rushing to the defense of MC Hammer right now, and it is epic.

It all started when Anthony Duckett took to Twitter and posted a picture of MC Hammer alongside Surg, Tupac, and Snoop Dog (who recently performed at the Super Bowl Halftime Show) and captioned the tweet saying, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone more out of place than Hammer was in this photo lol". The caption, pokes at the idea that, while the other three are definitely not to be messed with, MC Hammer is all smiles.

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However, the Twittershpere was quick to point out that, "Ummm... Hammer is actually probably the most cold-blooded one in the photo." That seems to be the consensus everyone on the internet is repeating.

In this video, tweeted out by Forever Trill, the rapper Redman saying that MC Hammer takes beef INCREDIBLY seriously. He said, "If anyone who talked sh** came to the Bay Area, they was IN for it!"

Even though MC Hammer is smiling in the photo, he still is likely the toughest one in the room. Swole One tweeted, "Shiiiddd you must not know. In a room full of folks imma be Hammer, I'll smile but don't push me."

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Furthemore, even in situations where MC Hammer would not be the one to get his hands dirty, fans say he could have someone taken care of without saying so much as a word.

In fact, the threat of Hammer runs deep.

Baddest in the Bunch also points to himself as being, as the title would suggest, Baddest in the Bunch. So, all in all, the internet's consensus is that, smile or no smile, MC Hammer is DEFINITELY not out of place here.