Transformers 4 has transformed Detroit into a ruined Chinese city for a few weeks of filming.

The Michigan city has been warned to expect the hallmark explosions of a Michael Bay film, including "simulated gunfire, controlled pyrotechnic explosions, precision driving involving squealing tires, controlled vehicle crashes and smoke."

New videos from bystanders show a multitude of special effects that cause chaos in the streets of the fictional Chinese metropolis, flipping cars and sending citizens running.

While filming may look chaotic and difficult, Mark Whalberg, who will play the new protagonist Flynn Vincent, claims Bay handles the details remarkably well.

"He knows every single piece of everything and you just kind of watch him in awe at how he kind of has it all in his head and brings it all to life," Wahlberg told Entertainment Weekly. "He runs this huge, huge production like an orchestra. It's insane. It's so incredible to watch."

According to a press release, the darker film takes place four years after Dark of the Moon and will see a "transformer menace" terrorize the earth while a human villain, played by Kelsey Grammer, causes trouble of his own. In the meantime,Vincent will team up with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, according to MTV.

Transformers 4 will hit theaters in June of 2014.