"Alien: Covenant" is basically one of the most sought after sci-fi films of the year. Promising to give one of the biggest explanations on the "Alien" franchise, fans may have missed some part of the recently shown footage for the film, especially as the movie aims to bring the touch of the original in it.

As some may be aware of, Ridley Scott is back and will be the mastermind behind the upcoming "Prometheus" sequel. While the movie is set before the events of the first film "Alien," there are some nods and clues found within "The Last Supper" flick for "Alien: Covenant," care of Luke Scott-the son of Ridley Scott and the 3 AM creative team led by Director Chris Eyerman.

According to Creativity Online, the clip wanted to properly introduce the members of the Covenant team, one which the original film set a high bar on. Given that the situation in which the crew will all be venturing away from Earth is a big pill to swallow, the team wanted a connection between the audience and the characters, building a relationship with each one prior to all the horror that will follow thereafter in "Alien: Covenant."

With all the effort being put into "Alien: Covenant," it almost comes as no surprise that nods to the original, as well as Easter Eggs, were seemingly hinted in the clip. As per WhatCulture, one is the Aspen Beer which was part of the first clip, another is the way that Danny McBride's character says "the food is not that bad." The same was said during the first ever "Chestburster" scene from the "Alien" movie care of John Hurt. One of the most direct references to seen is when one crew member heard of some "bugs" outside the colonial outpost that "looked like cockroaches the size of giant poodles-" pertaining to the Facehuggers.

The Facehuggers, Chesbursters and the actual Xenomorphs are anticipated to finally be in actual contact with the humans in "Alien: Covenant." Stay locked for more news and details on the upcoming sci-fi continuation to the "Alien" saga.

Alien Covenant