Ricky Gervais
As always, Gervais made sure his boundary-pushing humor is not for the faint of heart. -
Nikki Glaser Shares Ricky Gervais' Candid Advice for Hosting Golden Globes
Gervais had important words for Glaser about her hosting gig. -
Ricky Gervais Savagely Mocking Celebrities Endorsing Political Candidates Resurfaces as Election Draws Near
In Gervais' viral video, captured while he's soaking in the bathtub, the comedian lays waste to celebrity political endorsements. -
Ricky Gervais Gets Transphobic: The Curious Difference in Reception Between Gervais in 'Supernature' and Dave Chappelle in 'The Closer'
British comedian Ricky Gervais' newest comedy special SuperNature was released on Netflix earlier today, and already people are taking issue - because within the first five minutes, Gervais veers into a series of transphobic jokes that are generating internet discussion. -
Ricky Gervais Was Not Shy In Making Light Of The Oscar Slap On Twitter.
Ricky Gervais Joins In On The Joke Train That Is The Will Smith/Chris Rock Oscar Slap. It wasn't long after the Will Smith Oscar slap over a joke made about his wife Jada's alopecia that another notably cringe joke comedian decided to add his two cents to the discussion. -
So Actually, It Turns Out The Academy DOES Want Your Input On Picking An Oscars Host
Remember yesterday when we half-joked that The Academy was going to let Twitter pick the next Oscars host? Yeah, turns out that might be exactly what they're doing. -
Ricky Gervais Thinks It's Probably Curtains For The Golden Globes - But Twitter Does Want Him To Host The Oscars
The Oscars have announced that they will have a host for the first time in three years, and fans want a repeat performance from Ricky Gervais - who, ironically, thinks the Golden Globes are donezo. -
'The Office' Canceled? Ricky Gervais Slammed After Public 'Misundertood' HIs Comments on Hit Show
Ricky Gervais faced massive backlash after the public "misunderstood" his statement about "The Office" being canceled. -
Hypocrite Celebrities! Ricky Gervais Slams Celebs Complaning About Coronavirus Isolation
Ricky Gervais got so tired of hearing protests from privileged celebrities that he decided to shut them up by slamming them with his own words. -
Ricky Gervais Shocks Golden Globes 2020 With Prince Andrew Joke
The comedian targeted the British Prince with this remark! Ricky Gervais capped last year's most shocking news when he hosted the Golden Globes. There was a mix of reactions from the crowd. -
5 Most Memorable Moments of Golden Globes 2020
Here are top the top five highlights of the 2020 Golden Globes - unscripted, cringe-worthy and tears. -
Ricky Gervais News: British Comedian Wants Donald Trump To Become President? [VIDEO]
With Ricky Gervais, you just never know what he might say next. With Ricky Gervais, you just never know what he might say next. That's why fans can't help but wonder if he's joking or totally serious when he says that he kind of wants Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States. -
Golden Globe Awards 2016 Most Bizarre Moments: Ricky Gervais' Speech, Jason Statham's Headlock & More Crazy Incidents [VIDEOS]
The Golden Globes had some big accomplishments, but it also had some awkward moments. The Golden Globes had some big accomplishments, but it also had some awkward moments. -
Ricky Gervais Golden Globes 2016 Opening Monologue: Host Takes Jabs At Celebrities With Bizarre Speech [VIDEO]
The night just started and Ricky Gervais already knew how to make jaws drop at the Golden Globe Awards. -
Golden Globes 2016 Host: What Is Ricky Gervais' One 'Guarantee' For Upcoming Ceremony? [VIDEO]
Ricky Gervais is making his triumphant return to the Golden Globes stage in 2016. Ricky Gervais is returning to host the Golden Globes in 2016, and he's already making one "guarantee. -
'Derek' Premiere Spoilers: Ricky Gervais Channels Sensitive Side; 'I Want It To Be an Emotional Journey' [VIDEO]
Ricky Gervais came out for the premiere event of his show and the Netflix Orginal Series 'Derek' at the MoMA on Sept. 5. He spoke about the show and its making-of after the screening. -
Ricky Gervais Oscars Host 2014? 'It Would Be Very Tempting,' He Says [VIDEO]
Ricky Gervais, known for his raunchy hosting of the Golden Globes, expressed interest in hosting the Oscars in the future. -
Ricky Gervais Joins Push Against Animal Cruelty
British comedian Ricky Gervais is joining an international push to end product testing in animals. British comedian Ricky Gervais is joining an international push to end product testing in animals. -
Will Ricky Gervais Live With Wolves?
Recently, British comedian Ricky Gervais wrote on his blog that he'd like to "sell out" in order to fund an animal sanctuary. Gervais explains that he would like to start accepting the kind of jobs that he has been turning down for years like commericals, corporate sponsorships, and merchandising, and use the "second fortune" he makes from those jobs to build a forest where he can live with wolves and bears. -
Ricky Gervais' Jokes at the 2012 Golden Globes
Many critics are saying that British comedian Ricky Gervais was "too tame" at the Golden Globes 2012 which he hosted last night in Los Angeles.
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